Tackling hunger in Europe
31 August 2020

The rates of global hunger, acute food insecurity and malnutrition are rising and pose some of the largest risks to health. The UN’s Food and Agricultural Organization estimates there could be two billion undernourished people by 2050. In the EU, 109 million people are at risk of poverty or social exclusion (AROPE), equivalent to 21.7% of the population. Food insecurity contributes to rates of obesity, malnutrition and developmental disorders.

As a global leader in nutrition, Herbalife Nutrition is playing its part to help tackle global challenges including hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition. Through the Herbalife Nutrition Foundation (HNF) and its Nutrition for Zero Hunger (NFZH) partnerships with global and local NGO partners, the company provides resources to help bring hunger down to zero. Furthermore, by donating nutrient-dense products from its Herbalife Nutrition range, alongside the provision of grants, Herbalife Nutrition is increasing community access to healthy foods and nutritional education. Herbalife Nutrition develops and provides tools, including healthy recipe cards and wellness trackers, to empower people to make healthy choices, raise awareness and take action to end hunger.

In 2019 HNF provided €4m to 171 charitable organisations in 61 countries reaching 120,000 children and impacting many more families. In Europe, this investment was €622,677 to 34 organisations, impacting 10,549 children. The way in which our support impacts children and families varies in different countries. 5% of funding was spent on kitchen renovations, 46% on supporting food subsidies providing children with daily meals and 37% on providing community nutrition education to help children develop healthy nutritional habits to see them into adulthood.  In Germany, HNF has donated €210,000 to the Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk e.V.(German Children’s Fund) since the partnership began in 2010 helping support around 1,300 children a year including many adolescents from refugee backgrounds. Most recently with HNF funding they created a ‘Greenhouse’ planting different types of vegetables and fruits, which the children can use for cooking lessons or daily snacks. Having their own garden gives the children the benefit of improved health, saves money and provides nutrition education about the source of food.

Alongside funding, our network of Herbalife Nutrition Independent Members and employees donated 11,150 volunteer hours in 40 countries to support organisations and community projects.

‘The Herbalife Nutrition team provided moments of learning, fun, teamwork and skills that help our young people to grow up healthily.’ Educator, Obra do Frei Gil Children’s home, Portugal – Funded ‘Casa Herbalife’ partner since 2006

Social responsibility
Story contributor
Herbalife Nutrition Foundation
Key numbers
Investment in European charities (€)
Number of children in Europe helped